
Tips for keeping your home clean and healthy.



How to Deep Clean a Bathroom

December 9, 2021
Cleaning the bathroom is a chore most people don't really look forward to, but with a good strategy, you can save time and still do an excellent job.  
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How To Clean A High Pile Shag/Wool Rug

November 18, 2021
Wool Rug
Those high-pile woolen rugs or shaggy flokatis are beautiful to the touch and can instantly warm up your cold floors. But when it comes time to getting it clean you may find that you can’t simply pull out the vacuum cleaner.  That's why our Dr. Cleaners have made a guide for you!
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5 Reasons to Keep Your Home/Office Clean

October 28, 2021
cleaning 1
We have a sense that we should keep our home or office space clean.  But have you ever wondered why?  Here are 5 health benefits to keeping a clean home or work space.  

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Clear and Timely Communication

August 19, 2021
Are you trying to hire someone to clean your carpets or windows? Are you waiting for someone to get back to you?  When you work with Doctor Clean you never have to worry if we will call you back.  
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You Can Keep Your Windows Sparkling

July 9, 2021
You can do a lot to keep your windows looking great between professional cleanings. 
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