
Tips for keeping your home clean and healthy.



A Word About Hard Water

August 22, 2020
glass heart
Here is a little information about hard water build up on glass surfaces.  How it is made, what you can do to prevent it, and how you can attempt to fix it.
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Excellence in Window Cleaning

July 31, 2020
windows 1
Some may think that all window cleaners are the same and therefore search for someone to clean them with only price in mind.  Allow me to tell you about what makes our services the most thorough in the industry:  Our window cleaning service includes a five-step process.
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Supporting The Local Economy

June 27, 2020
This Blog is a little different than most.  Up to now we have concentrated on cleaning methods, tips, and unfortunately virus related materials.  This one is about our local economy.  Just a few thoughts on the matter.
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Protecting your Fine Persian Rugs

April 2, 2020
Persian Rug
TAKE a look down there, below your feet. There's your Oriental carpet, finely woven, perhaps 100 years old. It may be a treasured heirloom, or a valuable purchase worth ten, or even hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Oriental and Persian rugs are handmade wool carpet that is either knotted with pile or woven without pile. They are available in a wide variety of intricate colors and designs, and are considered by many to be valuable works of art. With their value in mind, it is essential that Oriental rugs receive excellent care to prolong their life and beauty.
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Choosing a Carpet Cleaner Isn’t Easy!!!

February 26, 2020
Certified Master Cleaner
There are many reasons to clean your carpet on a regular basis…health issues, pets, spills, foot traffic, etc., or just to maintain a healthy, clean environment in your home.  And there are many methods to clean your carpets.  Hot water extraction is recognized by carpet manufacturers, carpet cleaning companies and homeowners as the most thorough and healthy form of carpet cleaning. 
So to help you protect your investment in clean carpets, here are the top five mistakes many people make when choosing a carpet cleaning company.  We’ll also share qualities that you should look for in a carpet cleaning service.
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